style type="text/css"> #costOfWarTotal { text-align: center; width: 270px; font-weight: bold; } #costOfWarTotal_Total { font-size: 1.3em; font-weight: bold; color: #990000; } #costOfWarTotal_Link { font-size: .7em; }


READ BEFORE LEAVING A COMMENT : The "Cabal",Elite,Illuminati has fallen, and will fully within a short periode of time be with no power. This is all happining behind the scenes, without you knowing it, or maybe you know. The shift in consciousness is very real, many can't feel it, see it,while others can feel the changes and has for some time. Many are focusing on the fearful scenario's of "our" future. Whatever reality you allow yourself to focus which is negative will not happen. Not as of after 11.11.11. Some people might feel the need to bash the uploader for this video. If so, ask yourself why you do it.

Who wants corruption,hate,war? No one. Well, NOT the people.

Alot of alienpropaganda has been spread in the hollywood industry and more. Yes, also many negative E.T's, such as the greys,draconians, reptilians have also been in control for thousands of years over humanity. Boosting us with fear,doubt etc. Feeding themselves with our negative emotions like drugaddicts. These have been taken care of. I know many will find it hard to believe that there actually is good E.T's out there. I know. The doubt,mistrust and so on. All the good guys have ufo's that are only of the light. Lightships. Yes, project bluebeam is real as well, but these only project ufo's that look metallic, so are a few of the bad E.T's ships,and many are ufo's made by various governments, technology they all got their hands on in the 1940's. Like USA,RUSSIA and CHINA.

Yes, they, the good beings from many starsystems are very real, and they have been busy working, and still are. People of earth are waking up from the duality. Negative and positive. Humans live to much in their mind, and not their heart, but that will all slowly change over time. To good to be true you might say. Well,buckle up, its gonna be a wild ride.

You don't need to believe a word that is said, but what does your heart tell, your feeling?
You might think this is all a collaborate trap, or maybe you havent thought about that. But, its not any kind of trap. I know you are just reading some words on a computerscreen. But arent you tired of living in fear,doubt,disbelief,mistrust and so on????? What happened to all the youtubers, and the people who watch videoes online,play video games, watches TV, eating non healthy food?? Disconnected from one another, and who has and kinda still control all your thoughts?? Can you remember your dreams?? Thats right, the few, who has desperately been trying to lure us in believing life is built upon fear. All fear. When they themselves have fear, and that fear is for us to reunite,love eachother. Not just on earth, but elsewhere as well. Who controls the images you see from space?? Who controls what you should know and not?? Thats right again. The same people.

You dont have to understand, but all the uploader wants you to do, is stop fearing and start loving eachother. Do you really think humans are alone? Have you heard about starseeds,angelic,indigo,crystal people/children that are on earth?? If you ask one, who know he/she is one, ask them what they know. You will be surprised. Alot of these wayshowers are waking up in large numbers, and nothing can stop them. Fear not, because it is only for the better. 2012 and beyond many will see,understand, that all this is true.

Again, do not bash the uploader with mindless words, low consciousness, sedated and negative comments. We have enough of that. LOVE. Love yourself, not by ego, but by heart. Love others, not by ego, but by heart. Remember, we are a spirit in a body, not a body with a spirit. Thank you, love you all, God bless you all.




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Saturday, December 3, 2011

month of dec


This month I’ll be talking about the qualities that help me make my predictions, which are accurate in a great majority of cases. You too can develop these qualities, and use them to make your life better.
In the section “Develop Your Mind” you’ll discover that the mental and spiritual resources you need to live your dream-life are closer than you think, and at your disposal at any time.

Did you ever want to travel through time and space without having to buy a ticket or bring any baggage with you? With a little training and a lot of motivation, this extraordinary ability is at your fingertips, as you leave your physical body and engage in some astral travelling.
When someone suddenly disappears without leaving a trace, it’s enough of a mystery. But when hundreds of people disappear at the same time, the puzzle becomes much more complex. Yet that’s exactly what happened to an entire battalion, as you’ll see in the section “Mysteries of the Universe.” 

This month, in addition to your Horoscope, you’ll find the following sections:

1Your Horoscope for december

Dear CHERYL, since you were born on 30 January 1964, here’s what should happen to you in December in the areas of Love, Health, Work and Money.

Love: Your astral configurations will be positive for your love-life this month, and the Moon will be very well-positioned in your chart. If you share your life with someone, your relationship should improve and become more stable. Pay a lot of attention to your better-half, and do little things to please them. If you’re a bachelor, you should meet someone who suits you on many levels in December. Just remember that things don’t happen by themselves. Put your best foot forward, and make sure to take advantage of the opportunity. 

Health: The planets predict December will be a good period for your health, both physically and mentally. Any minor problems you develop should be rapidly resolved. But you’ll need to do your part by keeping your body in shape. If you fall ill, opt for natural remedies first. The best person to ensure you stay healthy is you. Your first medication should be what you eat, so be sure your diet is varied and balanced. 

Work: You’ll be very motivated and enthusiastic about your job or career this month, and you’ll want to press forward with your projects. Just be aware that not everyone is as excited as you are. Don’t create enemies by saying or doing things that hurt people when they lag behind, or refuse to help you. Be patient, and don’t risk provoking anyone’s resentment, especially since the second half of the month looks so promising.

Money: Unfavorable planetary influences will encourage you to make some purchases you can’t really afford at the moment. You’ll want to acquire something that could put your present financial situation in jeopardy. Don’t give in to temptation, even though it’s very strong. Be patient and wait for the second half of the month, when your planetary conjunctions will become more favorable. If you’re skilled in your financial negotiations, you could make a considerable profit. 

Astral Indications: Contradictory astral influences will confuse your mind to some extent this month. If you’re not sure which path to follow, consult a specialist in personal development. If you can’t afford to pay someone, there are many books and manuals on the subject that can help you make the right decisions, and change the things you don’t like about your life. Draw up a list of your goals, and read them over every day, or at least every week, to avoid becoming distracted and losing sight of your objectives. You need a reliable roadmap if you want to get somewhere specific. Don’t waste your time lamenting about past failures. Be humble, admit your errors, correct your mistakes, and try to do better next time.

2Tara’s View: Four Qualities For A Better Life: Sensitivity, Intuition, Joy and Hope

Many people think psychics and clairvoyants are special people endowed with fabulous gifts. In a sense they see them as invulnerable super-heroes, comic book figures not completely real. Well, that’s both true and not true. Psychics are gifted, there’s no doubt about that. They have innate and/or acquired abilities they use to do their work. But they’re also made out of flesh and blood, just like everyone else. The difference between psychics and ordinary people is that they devote a lot of time and effort to developing their gifts and abilities, which, in my case, include Sensitivity, Intuition, Joy and Hope.
Psychics, clairvoyants and mediums who have a gift for predicting the future are simply human beings who happen to be more sensitive than most. They can ‘feel’ things ahead of time, and that gives them a significant advantage over ordinary mortals.

But psychics also have material worries just like everyone else. They don’t live on Love and air, they need to eat and pay their bills, just like you. If you passed a psychic on the street, you probably wouldn’t notice anything special about them, despite their powers. I’m sure you’ve been close to one (it might even have been me!) without being aware of it.

Just Like Anyone Else 

From the outside, nothing distinguishes a psychic from the ordinary man or woman in the street. If you don’t meet a psychic in their consulting room or on the Internet via webcam, you wouldn’t notice anything different about them. What does differentiate them from other people, aside from their powers of prediction, all takes place inside. It can’t be seen by most people, although those who are sensitive enough can detect it. 

To be able to practice divination effectively, having an extra-sensorial gift isn’t enough. You also need to develop the human qualities that enable you to express your psychic or extra-sensorial messages. 

Some psychics have devoted themselves to doing Good, while other do great harm. But basically all psychics, both positive and negative, possess the same parapsychic gifts, and use the same supports: crystal balls, the Tarot (usually the Tarot of Marseille), runes, palm reading, and tea leaves or coffee grinds. Unless, of course, they happen to be a sensitive psychic like me, in which case they don’t need to use anything as a support. 

Sensitive Psychics

Being a sensitive psychic, I rely only on my direct connection to the astral world and its vibrations to formulate my predictions. I sometimes study a person’s astrological chart to make my predictions even more accurate.

Despite having identical parapsycholgical abilities, some psychics choose the path of light, while others prefer to stay in the shadows. I’m not making any judgments here. I personally chose a luminous path, but everyone is free to make their own decision… and, of course, assume responsibility for the consequences  of their actions.

Choosing which path to follow, either the path of light or the path of shadow, is one of the human factors all psychics have to deal with, in accordance with their beliefs.

Developing Qualities of the Heart 

Aside from their basic gifts, psychics need to develop entirely human qualities to achieve their goals. 

If their intentions are malevolent, they’ll be attracted to negative practices designed to help those who pay them to harm or exploit others. But what these malevolent psychics don’t tell their clients is that there’s a heavy price for wanting to dominate people. If you attract evil by practicing it, you should be ready to suffer the negative consequences yourself.  

When a psychic’s intentions are benevolent, he or she relies on the luminous qualities of human nature to help others find happiness. A positive psychic will always try to help other people. As far as I’m concerned, I rely on four main qualities to help the people who consult me: my sensitivity, my intuition, my joy and my hope.

My Sensitivity Creates Our Vibratory Connection 

My sensitivity enables me to quickly “connect” to anyone who asks for my help on a vibratory level. But I never enter anyone’s mind without being asked first. 

The fact that someone asks me for information about their future, or about the people they know, acts like a key, giving me access to their past, present and future.

I can see people’s lives unfolding before my eyes from beginning to end, like a 3D movie. Better still, I can ‘feel’ their emotions.

My intuition enables me to see what’s wrong in a person’s life, and to know, even before they ask me, why they came to see me. Nevertheless, I always let people explain why they came, because talking about it puts them at ease, and makes them more open to the possibility of change. 

Joy Dissolves Negative Vibrations

Joy is a very important quality. If I were sad all the time I would emit negative vibrations, and that would cloud my vision, and prevent me from making accurate predictions. My predictions turn out to be true more than 95% of the time, and the 5% of error is often due to people wrongly understanding what I tell them.

Joy creates positive vibrations and disperses negative energy, no matter how strong it is. I encourage you to be as joyful as possible in life, for the same reasons – you’ll emit more positive vibrations, and dispel the negative energy around you. 

These qualities will help you overcome all obstacles. If you can be optimistic and enthusiastic about life, you’ll be able to resolve your problems much more easily than if you were discouraged or pessimistic. 

The fourth quality I developed, along with my sensitivity, intuition and joy, is hope, which is essential for happiness and success. 

You always need to be hopeful. It’s what keeps people going in life. If, deep down, you’re hoping for a better life, you’ll never give up trying to attain it. You’ll constantly be thinking and doing things to improve your situation, as your hope provides you with incredible strength and perseverance. 

Hope is firmly anchored in my mind. I’m convinced that among all the different paths available to the people who consult me, there’s always one that leads to their happiness and fulfillment. They just need to know it’s there, and then do what’s necessary to take advantage of it.

These are the indispensable ingredients that are transformed into a powerful force, enabling me to help people when they ask. I try to accomplish my mission here on Earth, which is to help others, with all my heart, and I don’t keep an eye on how much time or energy I spend on someone. 

Putting your whole heart into whatever you do is the great secret of success, and will open wide the doors to happiness for you. 


3Develop Your Mind: Happiness Is Inside You

”You can’t resolve your problems with the 
same kind of thinking that created them!”
Albert Einstein

No matter how happy you are at the moment, no matter how satisfied with your present situation in life, there’s always room for improvement. But you have to want it. You need to be firmly motivated, and really believe that change is possible. That’s the first step. 

The next step is finding the resources you need to make changes happen. As Einstein said, ”You can’t resolve your problems with the same kind of thinking that created them!”

The question to ask yourself is: Where can I find these resources? Should I read books about personal development? Hire a coach or trainer? Go back to school? 

The answer to all these questions is “No, not at all!” You have everything you need at your disposal, and it’s all free of charge. Where? In your subconscious mind. 

Using the subconscious is so simple most people never even think about it, never mind talk about it. The amazing power of your subconscious mind exists for you to exploit. You’ll never find a better supplier of the tools you need to change your life, and they’re available to you 24 hours a day, every day of the week. 

Getting Started

Your subconscious mind possesses infinite powers that are only waiting for a sign from you to awaken. It can provide you with original and creative ideas, inspire you with ways to get what you want or solve your problems, and give you the strength to move forward. And finding new and original ways to change your life is essential for one simple reason: what you’ve tried up to now hasn’t worked! You can try anything, except what you’ve already done, to make your life a success. But your present state-of-mind won’t disappear all the easily. 

You Have An Enemy: Yourself!

We all have outside problems in life. We all experience unfavorable circumstances, people who try to hinder what we’re doing, accidents, break-ups, difficult financial times, the death of loved ones, and so on. 

But at the same time, you only have one real enemy: yourself. It’s the way you react to adversity that makes all the difference. You need your mind to be strong. 

Even Rich and Happy People Have Problems

Do you think rich, happy people never have problems? Before becoming wealthy and fulfilled, these people often had to overcome hardships and obstacles that are way beyond what you can even imagine. The difference is that they succeeded in overcoming those obstacles. They came out stronger for it, and found the strength to go on. Instead of discouraging them, their problems motivated them to find ways to achieve their goals in life. The more problems they had, the more energy they used to succeed and stay motivated. 

Do What Rich Happy People Do

To attain their goals, most wealthy people turn to the infinite resources of their subconscious mind, which they know holds the keys to solving all their problems. 

Be like them and exploit this inexhaustible source of inspiration. It’s the best way to develop and evolve, and make your life a total success. 

No matter what kind of problems you have, financial, emotional, health, friendships, family, colleagues, etc. you’ll always find solutions tucked away in your subconscious mind. It never fails, and you’ll never find a better ally.

How To Proceed

The first thing you need to do is both simple and complex: you need to convince yourself your subconscious mind is the real source of your happiness, and is there to help you find it. How can you expect to use your subconscious if you don’t fully believe in its powers?

I know you may be skeptical, and I understand. But since the things you’ve tried up to now haven’t worked, why not try something else, something new? Especially since it’s the weapon used by most successful, happy people. The only thing you’ll risk by trying it is your own success!

Stop Looking Outside Yourself

Once you admit that the solution to all your problems can be found in your subconscious mind, you need to know how to access it to come up with original ways to solve them, and succeed at whatever you do. Don’t skip this step. It’s essential, otherwise you’ll fall back into your old ways of thinking, which have led you nowhere. Leaving it out would be a mistake.

No one Knows Better Than You What You Want

No one is in a better position than you to know what you want out of life. And nothing is more available than your subconscious mind to help you achieve your goals. All you need is to be motivated enough to connect to your subconscious. Only then can you make progress, so don’t leave out this essential step.  

Whenever you have a problem, whenever you want something, ask your subconscious to help you. It will help you, by giving you inspiration and triggering new ideas to make your desires a reality. No one has been able to explain how the process works until now. All we know is that it does work, and a lot of people have benefitted from its ability to make wishes come true.

Be Confident

If you want to take full advantage of the power of your subconscious, you need to be confident, both in yourself and in the ability of your subconscious mind to inspire you, which comes down to the same thing, since your subconscious is part of you.

I recommend not asking too many questions about the origins of the technique. Just do it, motivating yourself as much as possible. Don’t ask why or how, just use the infinite power of your subconscious for your own profit. 

Be confident in yourself. Accept that your real power lies in your subconscious. Present your requests with conviction in its power, and in your own abilities. Then you’ll see your life start changing for the better. 

Try it, even if you still have doubts. That’s the only way to prove it doesn’t work, but up to now it always has!

4Astral Travel: A How-To Guide

Last month I spoke about the astral body and the fact that, according to many different spiritual traditions, we all have one. The question then arises of how we can use our astral body. 

Our aura generally it has two functions: it protects our energy, and it enables us to astral travel. 

Let me give you a fast summary before we start: the astral body is mentioned in many traditions and religious or spiritual beliefs around the world, although not always under that name. It’s also referred to as the astral double, the energy body, the etheric body, the light body and so on, depending on the source.

Aura Is Another Name For Astral Body

The concept is found in monotheistic religions, in particular Christianity, where the astral body is depicted as an aura or halo around the heads of saints, as well as Christ and the Virgin Mary. Auras are one form of the astral body. 

Everyone Has An Astral Body

In most spiritual traditions, the aura or astral body is not an attribute reserved only for saints or holy figures. Everyone possesses one, and it protects our physical body against vibratory influences, including spells and incantations cast by ill-intentioned people who represent the forces of Evil, and want to do you harm.

Things You Should Know Before Taking An Astral Journey 

Now I’m going to talk about astral travelling, which is the second function of your aura or energy body. 

Your aura has the ability to detach itself from your physical body and travel through time and space at will. But to make that happen, you need to use a technique that requires self-mastery and practice. 

Don’t Be An Astral Tourist!

I understand the attraction of leaving your body and being able to travel through space, and even through time, without limit, witnessing civilizations that have disappeared from the face of the Earth. But being an astral tourist and using the ability just to appease your own curiosity can be dangerous. It’s very important to have a specific goal when you astral travel. If you don’t, it’s unlikely you’ll succeed. 

Spell-Out Your Astral Goals 

Before taking an astral voyage, specify what you want to accomplish with your extra-sensorial maneuver. Find at least seven reasons why you want to astral travel, and write them down. 

You need to be more precise than just saying: “I want to be happy” or “I want to be successful in life…”

Areas that can be explored through astral travel include Luck, money, sexuality, Love, health, work, future projects, and so on. You must always make sure your aims are positive. 

You should never use astral travelling to harm others or exploit them in any way. If you do, you’ll suffer the consequences sooner or later.

How To Begin 

I recommend practicing at night. Have a light supper, without alcohol, and take a good hot shower before going to bed to relax your body. You need to be completely relaxed when you practice astral travelling. If you have any problems on a given day, or if you find yourself feeling sad or nervous, put your session off until another night, when you’re more calm. Also, don’t try to astral travel if you’re feeling any strong negative emotions like anger, hate or fear. 

Phase 1: Relax Your Physical Body

Your physical body needs to be completely relaxed to engage in astral travel. Use whatever relaxation technique you’re familiar with, or proceed as follows:

Get comfortable in bed, lying on your back, with your hands by your sides. Close your eyes.

Do some slow, deep, abdominal breathing. As you exhale, expel all the tension from your body, which you should visualize clearly, starting with your feet and moving up to your head: feel the tension flowing out of your feet, legs, genitals, buttocks, lower back, middle back, upper back, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, eyes and crown of your skull.  

Don’t move on to the next phase until you’ve mastered the first one. If you fall asleep, don’t worry, you can try again tomorrow, and you’ll be so relaxed you should enjoy a wonderful night’s rest!
Phase 2: Invoke Your Astral Body and Visualize Your Goal
When you're completely relaxed, and only then, visualize your astral body as a double of your physical body, forming an envelope of transparent light around you. When you can clearly visualize your astral body, concentrate on the goal you want to attain during your astral voyage. 

Don’t move on to the next phase until you’ve mastered this one. Take your time. Be patient as you try to visualize your astral body, because at first it isn’t easy. It may take a few days of practice. Above all, don’t get discouraged. Many people claim astral travel isn’t possible simply because they gave up trying too soon.

Phase 3: Detach Your Astral Body

Now you can detach your astral body from your physical body. To do that, imagine your aura separating itself from your physical body as you fall asleep, and rising up into the air. 

Repeat the exercise until you become adept at visualizing your astral body floating above your physical body. When you’re perfectly capable of seeing your aura detached from your material body, you can let it go wherever you want in space and time, depending on what you want to accomplish on the astral plane. 

Important: Always remember to visualize a luminous cord attaching your astral double to your physical body, so you can come back whenever you want. Sessions of 10 to 30 minutes are amply sufficient for the first few months of your practice. 


5Mysteries of the Universe: The Disappearance of the Norfolk Brigade

People are always disappearing with no trace. Many of these disappearances remain a mystery, while others can be explained. Children are kidnapped, women are sold into slavery, criminals escape justice. Some people just get fed-up with their life, and decide to vanish without saying anything to anyone, and start anew somewhere else, often at the other end of the world. But the phenomenon really becomes puzzling when hundreds, or even thousands of people disappear at the same time, for no apparent reason. 

The most amazing cases happened in time of war, when entire regiments vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind. None of the men were ever seen again. 

4000 Men Vanished

In 1707, during the War of Succession in Spain, 4000 men fighting against the forces of King Philip V disappeared, although no battle took place. None of the soldiers’ clothes or arms were ever found, and none ever turned up, or gave any sign they were alive through letters, eye-witness accounts, messages, and so on.
In 1858, 850 French soldiers suddenly disappeared near Saigon in Vietnam, although none of the other soldiers heard anything, or found any trace of a battle having taken place (military equipment, weapons, shells, etc.). Stranger still, no footprints were seen within a certain distance of where the 850 soldiers had camped.

The Mystery of Yang-Tse-Kiang

In 1937 Japanese troops invaded China in a daring attack. The Chinese Colonel Li Fu Sien ordered two battalions to take up positions on the shores of the Yang-Tse-Kiang River, the longest in Asia, flowing over 5000 kilometers. Early next morning one of the battalions, composed of 3000 men, silently vanished into thin air. Guards along the river didn’t notice anything at all. Japanese military archives consulted after the war made no mention of a battle taking place on that day, nor of any prisoners being captured in that area.  

The Norfolk Battalion
The most famous example of a strange and mysterious disappearance took place in 1915, during World War One, and concerns a British battalion, the Norfolk Brigade, composed of 267 men. It is concerning this event that we have the most data. 

The battalion was stationed near the Dardanelles in the Black Sea, on the eastern front. British soldiers, along with French, occupied positions facing the German and Turkish armies. 

While trying to rescue a New Zealand brigade under attack by the Germans, the Norfolk battalion suddenly disappeared. But this time there were witnesses! 

Surrounded By A Strange Mist

At the moment of their disappearance, the Norfolk soldiers were being followed by a Commonwealth company who actually saw the event take place.

A thick mist descended suddenly and surrounded their brothers-at-arms. It happened while they were following a dried river path, and when the mist lifted, all 267 men were gone. A report was compiled and submitted to a military tribunal in 1917, but no blame was ever accorded for what took place on August 12, 1915, when the Norfolk battalion vanished.

Nor could the military judges find any reasonable explanation for what happened. They had to say something, so they hypothesized that a battle had taken place nearby, that all 267 men had died, and their corpses had been mixed up with those of another regiment, also fighting in the war against the Turks. 

Highly Unlikely

The explanation doesn’t hold much water when you ask two simple questions. Firstly, how come the soldiers in the following company all saw the Norfolk men disappear into a mist? And secondly, why didn’t they hear any battle noises through the mist? In fact, the opposite happened – when the mist fell, everything became very quiet. 

If there’d been a battle, or even an ambush or slaughter of the Norfolk battalion, they would have at least heard it, and could have come to their aid. But no battle ever took place. 

If the battle had taken place a few kilometers away, some survivors would surely have returned, and the Commonwealth company would have seen them. Or, if they’d all been killed, traces of them would have been found, and reports made of the tragic event. In the military, things rarely happen without reports. 

Another Explanation: Extraterrestrials!

As in many cases of disappearance, like the cattle I talked about in a previous Good News Letter, there seems to be no plausible explanation, except that of extraterrestrial intervention.

How can a group of 267 men suddenly disappear, leaving no trace, not even a single shoelace?

There was no battle, no military explanation, no significant troop movements in the area, either of the allies or the enemy. 

No sign of a single soldier of the Norfolk brigade was ever found.

But there’s another possible explanation, one that takes all the other strange disappearances in the course of history into account. 

The Strange Mist

The extraterrestrial explanation isn’t all that farfetched, especially when you consider that in the case of the Norfolk brigade, one clue works in favor of an extraterrestrial presence: the mist. There have been numerous reports of mist being present when people or beings from the great beyond have been sighted on Earth. Witnesses often speak of a mist enveloping people, and when it lifts, they’re gone! 

I’ll leave it to you to decide for yourself!

Your devoted friend, 

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Wavy Text Generator -
Last night I had a dream It had a tale to tell. I dreamed I saw an Angel; Poor thing, he wasn't feeling well. His body bruised and battered His wings were ripped and torn This Angel could hardly walk, He looked so tired and worn. I walked right up to him to ask; Angel? How can this be? He turned around and paused a (bit), Then he spoke these words to me: "I'm Your Guardian Angel, A great task as you can see. You've run amok most all your life: Look what it's done to me. These bruises are from shielding Ýou In times both dire and íll. Those alcoholic bouts and drugs you've used I've often paid the bill You see my wings are ripped and torn; How often they have flown you From evils unaware. Each mark is it's own story of deadly wounds destroyed. You made me wish~~more than once- That I was unemployed. If only you could make ít Standing on your own; Oh, don't you fret or worry but please try to remember I'm getting old and frail. I could not believe all I had heard, Let alone how much he cared. I wept upon his shoulder, Then left him ín despair. The next day I sat and pondered: Should I really try? Ånd ín the distance I thought I heard; A frail Old Angel Cry.
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Sometimes, water can be calm, and at other times the waves are perilously high. When people entertain dark moods, there is a tendency to judge when there isn’t anything wrong, and let their fears take them into areas that aren’t entirely the truth. Fear seduces you to delicately dip your toe in the water, only to regret later when you are sunk way beyond your depth.

When a person reaches an impasse in a relationship, there is a tendency to become a little distant, just a touch offish, and possibly even superior. But how long can you keep your loved one at bay, just because you are frightened of the truth? Be honest of what is actually your fault, and how much is attributable to the other. It takes two to tango and punishment must fit the crime. Be fair.
While sticks and stones may break your bones, words can also cause a fair bit of damage. Rather than crack a few jokes and pretending all is well by nighttime, listen to what the other has to say. Not only will this endear you to them, but also heal any hurt. Respect everyone’s humanity even when there’s animal behavior involved. Nobody needs to go home with a broken heart.
The key word here is “choose.” When you overcome that initial wave of fear, you will gradually gain confidence, and things can only get better. If you want to enjoy each other’s company, then let the process of true understanding begin. Destiny doesn’t do casual, shallow and underhanded behaviors, it requires authenticity all the way.

Wavy Text Generator -