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READ BEFORE LEAVING A COMMENT : The "Cabal",Elite,Illuminati has fallen, and will fully within a short periode of time be with no power. This is all happining behind the scenes, without you knowing it, or maybe you know. The shift in consciousness is very real, many can't feel it, see it,while others can feel the changes and has for some time. Many are focusing on the fearful scenario's of "our" future. Whatever reality you allow yourself to focus which is negative will not happen. Not as of after 11.11.11. Some people might feel the need to bash the uploader for this video. If so, ask yourself why you do it.

Who wants corruption,hate,war? No one. Well, NOT the people.

Alot of alienpropaganda has been spread in the hollywood industry and more. Yes, also many negative E.T's, such as the greys,draconians, reptilians have also been in control for thousands of years over humanity. Boosting us with fear,doubt etc. Feeding themselves with our negative emotions like drugaddicts. These have been taken care of. I know many will find it hard to believe that there actually is good E.T's out there. I know. The doubt,mistrust and so on. All the good guys have ufo's that are only of the light. Lightships. Yes, project bluebeam is real as well, but these only project ufo's that look metallic, so are a few of the bad E.T's ships,and many are ufo's made by various governments, technology they all got their hands on in the 1940's. Like USA,RUSSIA and CHINA.

Yes, they, the good beings from many starsystems are very real, and they have been busy working, and still are. People of earth are waking up from the duality. Negative and positive. Humans live to much in their mind, and not their heart, but that will all slowly change over time. To good to be true you might say. Well,buckle up, its gonna be a wild ride.

You don't need to believe a word that is said, but what does your heart tell, your feeling?
You might think this is all a collaborate trap, or maybe you havent thought about that. But, its not any kind of trap. I know you are just reading some words on a computerscreen. But arent you tired of living in fear,doubt,disbelief,mistrust and so on????? What happened to all the youtubers, and the people who watch videoes online,play video games, watches TV, eating non healthy food?? Disconnected from one another, and who has and kinda still control all your thoughts?? Can you remember your dreams?? Thats right, the few, who has desperately been trying to lure us in believing life is built upon fear. All fear. When they themselves have fear, and that fear is for us to reunite,love eachother. Not just on earth, but elsewhere as well. Who controls the images you see from space?? Who controls what you should know and not?? Thats right again. The same people.

You dont have to understand, but all the uploader wants you to do, is stop fearing and start loving eachother. Do you really think humans are alone? Have you heard about starseeds,angelic,indigo,crystal people/children that are on earth?? If you ask one, who know he/she is one, ask them what they know. You will be surprised. Alot of these wayshowers are waking up in large numbers, and nothing can stop them. Fear not, because it is only for the better. 2012 and beyond many will see,understand, that all this is true.

Again, do not bash the uploader with mindless words, low consciousness, sedated and negative comments. We have enough of that. LOVE. Love yourself, not by ego, but by heart. Love others, not by ego, but by heart. Remember, we are a spirit in a body, not a body with a spirit. Thank you, love you all, God bless you all.




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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Israel's Useful Idiot Iran 'Frightens Me,' Harper Says

Israel's Useful Idiot
Iran 'Frightens Me,' Harper Says

By CBC News

January 19, 2012 "
CBC News" - January 18, 2012 - It's beyond dispute Iran is developing nuclear weapons and lying about it, Prime Minister Stephen Harper told CBC News chief correspondent Peter Mansbridge on Monday

In an exclusive interview, Harper says the evidence, some from the International Atomic Energy Agency, is overwhelming that Iran has a nuclear weapons program.

“I think there is absolutely no doubt they are lying. Absolutely no doubt,” Harper said of Iran's claims its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

An IAEA report last fall said some of Iran's clandestine activities could be for no other reason than a nuclear weapons program.

"And that, I think, is just beyond dispute at this point," Harper said. "I think the only dispute is how far advanced it is."

Last November, following the IAEA report, Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. imposed new sanctions on Iran's banking and oil and gas industries.

Harper says it's scary to hear what the Iranian regime says.

"I’ve watched and listened to what the leadership in the Iranian regime says, and it frightens me.

"In my judgment, these are people who have a particular, you know, a fanatically religious worldview, and their statements imply to me no hesitation about using nuclear weapons if they see them achieving their religious or political purposes. And … I think that’s what makes this regime in Iran particularly dangerous."

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has referred to Iran several times as the world's greatest threat to peace and security.

Harper says there's a "growing consensus" among world leaders, at least privately, that Iran's regime is dangerous, but there's no agreement on how to handle it. He pointed to a comment by U.S. President Barack Obama that all options are on the table and said he and Obama have talked about "the full range of questions around these issues."

"While there’s, I think, a growing belief of a number of governments that my assessment is essentially correct, I think there’s still big uncertainty about what exactly to do.

"Trade sanctions are something that just about everybody agrees on at some level, and everybody is doing at some level, but beyond that, these are not easy questions for the world."
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me, again's avatar
me, again· 7 hours ago
wow... an idiot for sure.
2 replies · active 3 hours ago
Roark's avatar
Roark· 7 hours ago
Just when I think Canada might be a little different. Canada is just a suck up to the US. Face it folks. And that's in addition to being a Crown Corporation, owned largely by Queen Elizabeth the 2nd herself.

It's disgusting. I'm so sick of those elites like the Queen, the Pope, the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers. They're so 100's of years ago! They've originated from the King of Dan and before that the Pharaohs. Uggh. Why do these worshippers of satan still have so much power?
2 replies · active 5 hours ago
Yep, like a number of other countries... Canadians are screwed because of the dysfunctional political system that means cultists can take control of power by dominating the two or three main parties - the Labour leader Ignatief if i recall was a 'liberal imperialist' - which is pretty much the same as a Zionist neocon (Harper).
1 reply · active 4 hours ago
Banat German's avatar
Banat German· 6 hours ago
Prime Minister Harper provides no evidence regarding Iran's Nuclear Program. He only mentions the IAEA report, but a lot of that information is a repeat of what was written many years ago. The Prime Minister should know that. How about providing some real evidence as to what they are doing now? When that evidence becomes available then I will believe it. Until then, it seems to me that this is just a repeat of what occurred regarding Iraq. A deliberate lie in order to attack that country. So many wars on based on lies and the one who suffer the consequences are the people, while the leaders start the wars and then sit back while others fight the wars.
2 replies · active 3 hours ago
Ex Pat's avatar
Ex Pat· 6 hours ago

"Iran frightens me."

That's because you're gutless and weak. And a Zionist. And a Neo-Con Nazi. Just like the US Neo-Con Nazis and the German Nazis - gutless also.

The rest of the world has no problem with those that are different. Pretty much the rest of the world is always 'different.' Get over it.

Rick Steves - "Iran - Lovely people. Wonderful sights. Beautiful country." -
Canada is just as badly dominated by Zionists as the USA.
Dylan's avatar
Dylan· 5 hours ago
It's all so rediculous. Ignoring the fact that Iran isn't making nuclear weapons, as the IAEA has said numerous times and as all the US intelligence agencies say (and that's saying alot), what would they do with one if they did have one? It could only be used for defence and even then as a last ditch measure. Someone should aske this clown to say why he's frightened (not that anyone will, because the media works on conditioning not facts).
Gerard McDougal's avatar
Gerard McDougal· 5 hours ago
Tell the lie, tell the lie with passion, and many who hear the lie will believe it to be true. We are a vain and shallow people here in the U.S. We have been taught to be so from a very early age. Mitt "looks presidential," so when he stands up there and talks about his private sector work in creating jobs, when actually he pocketed millions in putting people out of work, those who did not feel the hammer from Bain, or know about its activities, may be moved to believe in him. After all, he looks and sounds reasonable. Such deceitful rhetoric worked for Obama. Shakespeare was so right on when he wrote "all the world's a stage." Truth, honesty, and integrity are long gone from the political scene. While Ron Paul may have some of those attributes, do you really think he would last long were he to be elected and begin to actually gain some traction with his ideas? The current political system offers no hope, an entirely new paradigm is needed, but who can define it and speak to it? Such voices are stifled and marginalized. Soon, perhaps, to be silenced completely. We are at the precipice, the point of no return. May peace and harmony win out.
1 reply · active 4 hours ago
Peace and Harmony will only win out if the people of the world rebel and throw their Rulers into the street minus their wealth and power.

The time for talking about rebellion is over. Time for action, lads!
Coolfire's avatar
Coolfire· 5 hours ago
The IAEA report did NOT say " some of Iran's clandestine activities could be for no other reason than a nuclear weapons program." that statement is a straight forward lie. This block head is frightened at what "Iranian regime" is saying? So far everything they are saying is in response to the threats coming from the US and Israel. And, trade sanctions are not something which just about everybody agrees on, as this man asserts. Anyone with an ounce of honesty knows that sanctions only hurt the innocent people and do nothing to change whatever any recipient government is doing. On the contrary they serve as pretext for war to follow.

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Last night I had a dream It had a tale to tell. I dreamed I saw an Angel; Poor thing, he wasn't feeling well. His body bruised and battered His wings were ripped and torn This Angel could hardly walk, He looked so tired and worn. I walked right up to him to ask; Angel? How can this be? He turned around and paused a (bit), Then he spoke these words to me: "I'm Your Guardian Angel, A great task as you can see. You've run amok most all your life: Look what it's done to me. These bruises are from shielding Ýou In times both dire and íll. Those alcoholic bouts and drugs you've used I've often paid the bill You see my wings are ripped and torn; How often they have flown you From evils unaware. Each mark is it's own story of deadly wounds destroyed. You made me wish~~more than once- That I was unemployed. If only you could make ít Standing on your own; Oh, don't you fret or worry but please try to remember I'm getting old and frail. I could not believe all I had heard, Let alone how much he cared. I wept upon his shoulder, Then left him ín despair. The next day I sat and pondered: Should I really try? Ånd ín the distance I thought I heard; A frail Old Angel Cry.
Visit 1216LOVE IS EVERYTHING IT IS NOTFile:OccupyMind.pdf



Sometimes, water can be calm, and at other times the waves are perilously high. When people entertain dark moods, there is a tendency to judge when there isn’t anything wrong, and let their fears take them into areas that aren’t entirely the truth. Fear seduces you to delicately dip your toe in the water, only to regret later when you are sunk way beyond your depth.

When a person reaches an impasse in a relationship, there is a tendency to become a little distant, just a touch offish, and possibly even superior. But how long can you keep your loved one at bay, just because you are frightened of the truth? Be honest of what is actually your fault, and how much is attributable to the other. It takes two to tango and punishment must fit the crime. Be fair.
While sticks and stones may break your bones, words can also cause a fair bit of damage. Rather than crack a few jokes and pretending all is well by nighttime, listen to what the other has to say. Not only will this endear you to them, but also heal any hurt. Respect everyone’s humanity even when there’s animal behavior involved. Nobody needs to go home with a broken heart.
The key word here is “choose.” When you overcome that initial wave of fear, you will gradually gain confidence, and things can only get better. If you want to enjoy each other’s company, then let the process of true understanding begin. Destiny doesn’t do casual, shallow and underhanded behaviors, it requires authenticity all the way.

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