Main (positional) Meaning:
A legacy of some kind provides a stable foundation upon which to build a future romantic relationship.
The card in the Love & Me position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself with regard to possible intimacy in your life.
The Four of Coins in this position suggests that you have been blessed with some kind of inheritance or assets that you are still learning how to put to good use. This endowment may be monetary or it may be some other form of generous support. It gives you a relatively stable base upon which you can build for the benefit of you and your next partner.
When you are fully aware of what a blessing it is, you can cultivate a feeling of gratitude and make the best use of your advantage. On the other hand, there is a chance you will squander its value. It's OK to be playful, but beware of irresponsible pleasure-seeking.
Note: In the English-school decks, we see a person who is stuck in their misunderstanding of how the material plane works. He's afraid to let go of his four measly coins because he doesn't know he has to give in order to get. When looked at this way, this is the card of "poverty consciousness."
The Empress
in the "Situation" Position
General Meaning | Meaning of Position
Main (positional) Meaning:
Your potential love interest is a magnetic soul that draws others with beauty and abundance.
The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.
The Empress in this position means that a charismatic individual in the environment may be attracting people like bees to a flower. This person helps us see and feel the truth of an inspiring ideal. Naturally this is a valuable person to have around as he or she radiates boundless, nurturing love. However, do not fantasize that this individual will in any way belong to you. The person you favor is a universal attractant. Everybody wants some of this energy. Hopefully you are in a sharing mood.
Main (positional) Meaning:
Don't let your creative spirit get seduced by the temptations of privilege and comfort of a possible relationship.
The card that lands in the Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
The Ten of Coins in this position challenges you to read between the lines of affluence, privilege, and gracious living, yet keep the human drama clearly in focus. There are many people who, when elevated to a level of relative security and comfort, may lose sight of their original purpose. If this happens, then such persons may mistake a relationship for their true worth. They may forget that with abundance and fulfillment comes the obligation to build a healthier and more balanced society.
Too much personal comfort may cause the spirit to wither away, rather than strive until something great is achieved. If you want to stay vital, creative, and progressive, then you must avoid becoming seduced by a potentially complacent relationship. Don't let your current comfort level soften your drive to improve the world for the "little guy." Main (positional) Meaning:
Don't let your creative spirit get seduced by the temptations of privilege and comfort of a possible relationship.
The card that lands in the Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
The Ten of Coins in this position challenges you to read between the lines of affluence, privilege, and gracious living, yet keep the human drama clearly in focus. There are many people who, when elevated to a level of relative security and comfort, may lose sight of their original purpose. If this happens, then such persons may mistake a relationship for their true worth. They may forget that with abundance and fulfillment comes the obligation to build a healthier and more balanced society.
Too much personal comfort may cause the spirit to wither away, rather than strive until something great is achieved. If you want to stay vital, creative, and progressive, then you must avoid becoming seduced by a potentially complacent relationship. Don't let your current comfort level soften your drive to improve the world for the "little guy."
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