In this short series in 4 episodes, you'll see some concrete and verifiable elements which show that 21st December 2012 may be a key date in the global satanic agenda.
In the 1st episode, a ancient tablet and another inscription in a maya temple have been found and mention 21st December 2012 as the Return of the Mayan God Bolon, the Mayans' religion was to worship Satan and to pray the Jinns that they call the people of the stars, in other words, this will represent the return of Satan (who hides behind many names as Maitreya Raj Patel, Iblis, Lucifier, Mephisto, Moloch, Ra,.....666) and his army of shetans. Of course they have already prepared their arrival for long by inducing us the false belief in extraterrestrials and by appearing with their flying saucers and by producing any kind of illusions, they have conditioned us to accept them as benevolent and to believe in their lies. 21st December 2012 represents the beginning of the new era of evil, the era in which the shetans reign and in which God is denied and disobeyed, the era which will provoke the final punishment of Allah on those who have betrayed Allah.
The 2nd video shows a beam of light which appreared on July 24, 2009 over the pyramid of Kukulkan (a maya temple at Yucatan), this apparition is to make the people think that there is a true connexion between the mayas and the people of the stars (the shetans), this beam of light has been produced by the Jinns in order to send us a major sign concerning their arrival and to make us embrace the satanic beliefs of the mayas (the new age): to believe that the so extraterrestrials exist and are benevolent and to deny the existence of the devils.
The 3rd video is about 2 similar crop circles which make reference to the Mayas and who appeared in the same country (England) on 2005 and 2011 and who refers to the events that will happen in 2012 (annular Solar eclipse on May 20, 2012 -a lot of movies, political logos, documentaries make reference to this symbol of the entering in the new satanic era-, a great alignement of the celestial objects ....). These crop circles are produced by the jinns in order to announce their coming and they also contain hidden messages which show that those who are behind these signs are very technologically advanced and know our universe far better than us. This kind of message is to condition us in believing that they know our origins and that they have the explanations for everything. The shetans are indeed far more advanced than us but they are using their technology to better deceive us.
The 4th video speaks about 3 ancient Mayan codex (more than 37 pages) which give many details about 2012, divination issues and a series of rituals, these codex also celebrate the moon deity (the moon is associated with Satan).
One of thus codex contains a prophecy which says: "Oh, the Earth, the end of the Jaguar Knights, the beginning of a new era built on the ashes of the previous one, and will be the meeting with the lords of the stars."
We can easily recognize that this match with what we are living in our present times, a World War 3 is being orchestrated behind the curtain, a world revolution at all the levels is being orchstrated, these current order is being dismentled to be replaced by the new world order, the new world order is now operational and is ready to be launched on 21st December 2012. The Lords of the stars certainly refers to the so called extraterrestrials. The mayas worshiped Satan and the jinns, that's what they call the people of stars, they are no more than jinns, shetans, deceivers, demons...
I do not know the future, only Allah knows it, it may happen nothing on this date but the elements we have for now show that this date is part of the satanic plane for millenaries. One thing may indicate that this date may represent a true shift is the fact that the planets and the sun and the moon will be on the same line with the center of our galaxy, Allahs says that when the stars and the planets will be on the same lign, this will represent a major sign of the Hour.
21st December 2012 the return of shetans 12/21/2012 21/12/2012 maya calendar people sta ufo alien extraterrestrial gods god allah religion jinn jinns devils ufos aliens Unidentified Flying Object Extraterrestrial Life Earth Lord end times deception new age nwo world order era ascension evolution spiritual illuminati conspiracy evil devil satan 666 maitreya raj patel imam mahdi jesus christ dajjal quran bible torah
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