READ BEFORE LEAVING A COMMENT : The "Cabal",Elite,Illuminati has fallen, and will fully within a short periode of time be with no power. This is all happining behind the scenes, without you knowing it, or maybe you know. The shift in consciousness is very real, many can't feel it, see it,while others can feel the changes and has for some time. Many are focusing on the fearful scenario's of "our" future. Whatever reality you allow yourself to focus which is negative will not happen. Not as of after 11.11.11. Some people might feel the need to bash the uploader for this video. If so, ask yourself why you do it.
Who wants corruption,hate,war? No one. Well, NOT the people.
Alot of alienpropaganda has been spread in the hollywood industry and more. Yes, also many negative E.T's, such as the greys,draconians, reptilians have also been in control for thousands of years over humanity. Boosting us with fear,doubt etc. Feeding themselves with our negative emotions like drugaddicts. These have been taken care of. I know many will find it hard to believe that there actually is good E.T's out there. I know. The doubt,mistrust and so on. All the good guys have ufo's that are only of the light. Lightships. Yes, project bluebeam is real as well, but these only project ufo's that look metallic, so are a few of the bad E.T's ships,and many are ufo's made by various governments, technology they all got their hands on in the 1940's. Like USA,RUSSIA and CHINA.
Yes, they, the good beings from many starsystems are very real, and they have been busy working, and still are. People of earth are waking up from the duality. Negative and positive. Humans live to much in their mind, and not their heart, but that will all slowly change over time. To good to be true you might say. Well,buckle up, its gonna be a wild ride.
You don't need to believe a word that is said, but what does your heart tell, your feeling?
You might think this is all a collaborate trap, or maybe you havent thought about that. But, its not any kind of trap. I know you are just reading some words on a computerscreen. But arent you tired of living in fear,doubt,disbelief,mistrust and so on????? What happened to all the youtubers, and the people who watch videoes online,play video games, watches TV, eating non healthy food?? Disconnected from one another, and who has and kinda still control all your thoughts?? Can you remember your dreams?? Thats right, the few, who has desperately been trying to lure us in believing life is built upon fear. All fear. When they themselves have fear, and that fear is for us to reunite,love eachother. Not just on earth, but elsewhere as well. Who controls the images you see from space?? Who controls what you should know and not?? Thats right again. The same people.
You dont have to understand, but all the uploader wants you to do, is stop fearing and start loving eachother. Do you really think humans are alone? Have you heard about starseeds,angelic,indigo,crystal people/children that are on earth?? If you ask one, who know he/she is one, ask them what they know. You will be surprised. Alot of these wayshowers are waking up in large numbers, and nothing can stop them. Fear not, because it is only for the better. 2012 and beyond many will see,understand, that all this is true.
Again, do not bash the uploader with mindless words, low consciousness, sedated and negative comments. We have enough of that. LOVE. Love yourself, not by ego, but by heart. Love others, not by ego, but by heart. Remember, we are a spirit in a body, not a body with a spirit. Thank you, love you all, God bless you all.
- ufo
- alien
- contact
- et's
- december
- dec
- jan
- january
- feb
- febuary
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- shift
- in
- consciousness
- energies
- energy
- sun
- moon
- alignment
- e.t
- pleidians
- sirians
- sirius
- andromeda
- galaxy
- galaxacies
- starsystem
- starseed
- indigo
- love
- positive
- heart
- power
- code
- of
- cabal
- elite
- illuminati
- nwo
- new
- world
- order
- golden
- age
- 21
- 12
- light
- angels
- webbot
- web
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- truth
- deception
- lies
- no
- more
- history
- research
- trust
- believe
- we
- are
- not
- alone
- all
- one
- mind
- spirit
Standard YouTube License
- 347 likes, 47 dislikes
Monday, January 23, 2012
Strong proof exposing the UFOs, Aliens as Jinns, Shetans, demons
This video represents a strong proof which exposes the so called aliens/extraterrestrials as Jinns, shetans, demons, multi dimensional beings.
If you have a dog you have certainly noticed that sometimes your dog is terrified and barke against an invisible entity, you may think that your dog is mad but that's absolutely not the case. Dogs have the ability to see the jinns under their true demonic form, they see frequencies that, we humans, cannot see.
In this episode, you'll see a video of a skywatcher who filmed UFOs in the presence of his dog, inspite of the fact that the UFOs did not make any noise and were far higher in the sky than airplanes, the dog is totaly terrified and seem to feel a real threat from these entities. Normally dogs do not even notice the noisy planes or what is high in the sky, this prooves that UFOs are not mere flying saucers but are alive beings, multi dimentional beings, jinns who have taken the form of a flying saucer. The Jinns can take any form, they can even materialize several fake bodies at the same time.
The so called Aliens claim to be our creators, then who created them and this universe in which we all live?
These is no single doubt that the aliens are jinns, Allah warns us very precisely about the jinns. Allah says that Satan was a Jinn and that the evil ones among his seedline are called shetans, they lead the people astray, they destroy the creation of Allah, they push the people to rebel against Allah and to disbelieve in Him. That's exactly what are doing the aliens, their claim to be our creators, they deny the laws of Allah, they deny the existence of Allah, the lie about their own nature, and those who will follow them will be lost for sure.
We are living the end times, the illusion of the devil is being more strong, our beliefs are deeply shaken, our faith is attacked, good has become evil and evil has become good, the people have forgotten God and will embrace the doctrine of the so called aliens who invite them to be their own gods.
The Aliens have apparently planned to establish a direct contact with us on 21st december 2012, they will come as saviors and will save us from auto destruction, everything (Arab Spring, World upheavals, economic crisis, middle east war, WW3, false Messiah Maitreya Raj Patel...) has been orchestrated in order to favorize our acceptance to them.
The punishment of Allah will fall on those who disobey Allah and are ungrateful and disbelieve in the truth, those who follow the falsery of Satan instead of the perfect and real truth of Allah, the Quran.
Allah calls you and has sent you the Quran as a Light,a Relief and a Guidance, Satan calls you too, lies to you and invites you to hell, you have the choice to answer to Allah or to Satan, submission or rebellion, light or darkness, paradise or hell, hapiness of damnation... don't be distracted and tempted by the ephemere illusion of Satan, the true paradise and life is in the hereafter and not in this life.
Strong proof exposing the UFOs Aliens as Jinns Shetans demons ufo shetan jinn demon satan 666 lucifer angel fallen devil evil deception end times disclosure new world order age illuminati flying saucer dog bark ghost Conspiracy quran allah religion truth apocalypse 2012 WW3 ascended master raj patel maitreya antichrist dajjal imam mahdi christ jesus
Standard YouTube License
Artist: Ted Turner
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